Thursday, 29 September 2011

Next Project

Well some light research turned into some 30 pages of notes with very interesting details on chemtrails. Have yet to assemble it in a presentable format and since it has an essay layout lacks attention grabbing ooompff haha.
Part of these notes are patents, laws and agendas, so there will be lots of info to back up here. Managed to get supportive evidence for most of it, sadly not all of it. More to come.

Peace out.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Chemtrails over Adelaide 7th Nov 2010

Got home from work. Time was 4:49pm. While driving home I could see chemtrail tankers dumping in the sky above. The day was really nice, about 25deg. celsius and sunny. So pulled out the Sony HD cam and thought maybe I could get some good footage of it spraying. Well only the trail was left by the time I started recording. Overall if my memory serves me right there were between 4 and 6 tankers laying trails up there. This recording went on until 6:30pm when it had gotten too cold and windy for me and my neck was breaking from filming. As the planes flew over top my friend was checking up on the radar system to tell me the altitude, speed, direction, where from, type of plane and who owned it. But the ones that dropped trails had no radar details. All planes must be on the radar system and tracked etc... unless they are military or other secret group. To me this flags attention toward the fact that something is not right. Also seen is a plane with commercial markings flying the same path as the tankers, only again this one does not show on the radar. Over time I have seen many reports of military craft "dressed" as everyday commercial ones. The only reason I can see they would try to hide like that is that they want to blend in and not be noticed. For the rest of us, that means they are hiding what they are really up to and don't want us to be aware. This cannot be in anyway a good thing for the population regardless what slant they put on the cover story.

Maybe one day I will get an explanation like "what you saw was a weather balloon, the suns reflection just happened to make the same markings as the Qantas logo, combined with a strong frozen wind that created ice particles and lingered for 150km spreading out like a blanket in the sky..."

Well please do tell me what you think after you see this video.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Underwater city ruins

Just posted a short clip of an underwater city like lay out I came across on google earth. Its a massive ruin and runs for about 160km. The grid pattern appears to be man made and city like and as far as I know, nothing natural could make such a design. Would love to see whats down there. Also would love any feed back or further information should anyone have some. Unfortunately the grids are not as visible in the video.

Orbs and training parts 1 and 2

So many orbs, so little time. I realise that there are just too many photo's to be able to show them all and had to stop there. As it is, the video had to be split into two parts. Some great colour ranges are on display here, along with a good variety of sizes. You can see the orbs placed on our bodies and at times this coincided with a correction or helping with balance etc. As we said things like, "my left leg just doesn't feel right" when a kick wasn't coming out right, only to find the next kick might have felt perfect and that photo has the orbs on the leg in question. We found this many times and decided that they were interacting with us or helping out in some way. Always interested to hear from anyone who has experiences to share.

Working on the interviews and explanations soon, which will cover what I understand they are, what the colours mean and more. Please remember, I am no expert on this, and only share my thoughts and ideas as I understand it to be. My conclusions come after researching others theories, and notes and experiments of my own. There has been nothing to indicate that there is any hostile intent, and if anything more likely to want to help. Most obvious is the fact that orbs are just plain curious and record everything we do.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, and look forward to seeing you soon.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Orbs and training

My first video touches on the strange orbs we see in photos. I have pointed out these orbs to people and some say they have never seen them before, only to look through their own pictures and find they have them, and that they have just gone unnoticed. Although there are many explanations as to what they are I have come to my own conclusions over time, and did a little research out of curiosity. The theory of them being dust particles and dirt on lenses etc can explain some of them, and some pictures taken at night with lots of small bugs in the air had the same effect. But this still leaves a lot of them unaccounted for, with large bright detailed orbs, intelligent motion, interaction with us and the surrounding area and what we received through communication and meditation.

This video does not go into a lot of detail about them, only highlights them and what we were doing. And shows a strange mist/foggy thing that flew through me and sent shivers all over my body as it did so. What happened next was amazing.

Up coming video's will show more, and also get into what we have found. Hopefully an interview with a few good friends of mine will come down the track. I look forward to sharing what we have found.

There are many topics I would like to discuss and put out what I have found over the last 20 years in my quest for information. My opinion is formed from searching out details on things that got hold of my attention. Please be a balanced skeptic and do your own research to find out what is true to you in your own world. We all have a mind and I encourage you to exercise it and think for yourself to come up with your own answers.

