Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Another leap through time and space watching the days zoom by while I chase my dreams and goals.

Finally the next transmission is up on the site and working on a video for it next. Thanks to all who checked out the last one, the ones that passed it on,and to those that gave such nice feed back. It seems the ripples have touched those that needed it and am glad that I am able to play a small part in such a big picture.

Please link, post, mail, or comment if you think it may help someone.


Thanks again and will see you with the video soon.

Peace out.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Have put the transmissions up on you tube for ease of viewing without having to go to my web page.

Hope to get some more to put up in the near future and will get to work on it as soon as it is available.

Have been thinking about a new format for my videos as a general reporting tool. I have come across so much good information, but do not have the time to make a video for each event. So condensed short reporting may be the way to go soon.

Hope you are all doing well and tracking well in 2012 :)

Peace out.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


It has been some time since my last entry, and youtube uploads also have suffered due to work commitments. I have managed to come across enough stories to write a blog and a short video for everyday of the year, only time currently does not permit.

I have however received a transmission of channeled information that has been given a level of urgency and placed in my care to get out into the public arena. Any updates will be posted as timely as can be achieved.

                      They can be viewed at my webpage  http://nssaxis.yolasite.com/

In time between lifes juggling act I aim to put up some info and background to my friend Mathew who receives these transmissions, and give some insight so you can get to know him too.

The words I am passing on are for all of us, for everyday, and I look forward to posting more of these along with my other bits and pieces :)

If you like what is being said on the Transmissions page, Please like it and pass it on to others so the words can travel around the globe, touching people with love and kindness and information from our friends.

Peace out
